السبت, يوليو 27, 2024
الرئيسيةفرص عمل ووظائف شاغرة في لبنان والشرق الأوسطفرص عمل لدى متطوعو الأمم المتحدة (UNV): مطلوب مسؤول/ة برامج في مجال...

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فرص عمل لدى متطوعو الأمم المتحدة (UNV): مطلوب مسؤول/ة برامج في مجال الصحة والتغذية (Programme Officer)

انضم الى قناتنا على الواتساب للأخبار والوظائف على مدار الساعة 24/24


فرص عمل ووظائف شاغرة في لبنان والشرق الأوسط

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فرص عمل لدى متطوعو الأمم المتحدة (UNV): مطلوب مسؤول/ة برامج في مجال الصحة والتغذية (Programme Officer)

معلومات الوظيفة:

المنظمة: برنامج متطوعي الأمم المتحدة (UNV – United Nations Volunteers)
الموقع: بيروت
الدرجة: المستوى غير محدد – المستوى غير محدد
المجموعات المهنية:
الصحة العامة والخدمات الصحية
إدارة المشاريع والبرامج
آخر مهلة للتقديم: 2024-01-03

اضغط هنا وقم بتحميل تطبيقنا الإلكتروني للوظائف والأخبار على مدار الساعة


Mission and objectives

Working in 190 countries and territories to protect the rights of every child, UNICEF has spent 70 years improving the lives of children and their families. UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere. In all of its work, UNICEF takes a life-cycle based approach, recognizing the particular importance of early childhood development and adolescence. UNICEF programmes focus on the most disadvantaged children, including those living in fragile contexts, those with disabilities, those who are affected by rapid urbanization and those affected by environmental degradation. UNICEF was created with a distinct purpose in mind: to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child's path. We advocate for measures to give children the best start in life because proper care at the youngest age forms the most robust foundation for a person's future. We promote girls’ education – ensuring that they complete primary education as a minimum – because it benefits all children, both girls and boys. Girls who are educated grow up to become better thinkers, better citizens, and better parents to their own children. We act so that all children are immunized against common childhood diseases, and are well nourished: no child should suffer or die from a preventable illness. We work to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among young people because it is right to keep them from harm and enable them to protect others. We help children and families affected by HIV/AIDS to live their lives with dignity. We are UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund.

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التقديم الى الوظيفة:

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The national health system is fragmented, and 80 per cent of hospitals are privately owned. Primary health care is not prioritized: 71% of state funding is allocated to secondary and tertiary care. The national health system has been heavily impacted by the crises and faces major financial and operational challenges. Forty per cent of doctors have left the country, including specialists in maternal and new-born care. One in three children, irrespective of nationality, does not receive the required three doses of DPT vaccine. Lebanon is experiencing a growing triple burden of malnutrition (stunting, micronutrient deficiencies, overweight and obesity) among children and adolescents and high rates of undernutrition among women. Stunting prevalence is seven per cent among Lebanese children 6-59 months, while it is 25% among Syrian refugees in informal settlements, an increase from 17 per cent in 2013. In camps hosting Palestinian populations, the prevalence of acute malnutrition among children under 5 years is 4 per cent versus 1.8 per cent among Lebanese. Acute malnutrition among pregnant and lactating women is also highest in Palestinian camps (9.5%) and Syrian refugees in settlements (8%). Over 40% of women at reproductive age and children 6-59 months are affected by anaemia. A study on children aged 12-18 years found a high prevalence of over-weight (30%) and obesity (20%). 94% of the children aged 6-23 months are not fed the minimum diets they need to grow and develop healthy and 70 per cent of children under 6 months are not exclusively breastfed. UNICEF with the worsening situation, continues to provide support to Ministry of Public Health, in providing all Nutrition supplies for free to all primary health care centers and to Nutrition partners in addition to providing technical support such as evidence generation, capacity building and strengthening quality implementation for nutrition services across the country. This UNV assignment is part of UNICEF health section, Under the supervision of the Chief Field Office, the UNV will be supporting in the day to day follow up with partners and to ensure quality reporting and implementation of the projects mainly under nutrition and ECD portfolios. In addition to duty station specific vaccine requirements, appointments are subject to confirmation of fully vaccinated status against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) with a World Health Organization (WHO)-endorsed vaccine, which must be met prior to taking up the appointment. It does not apply to UN Volunteers who will work remotely and are not expected to work on or visit UNICEF premises, programme delivery locations or directly interact with communities UNICEF works with, nor to travel to perform functions for UNICEF for the duration of their contracts. UNICEF offers reasonable accommodation for UN Volunteers with disabilities. This may include, for example, accessible software, travel assistance for missions or personal attendants. We encourage you to disclose your disability during your application in case you need reasonable accommodation during the recruitment process and afterwards in your assignment.

Task description

Within the delegated authority of the Chief Field Office, The national UN Volunteer will be performing the following duties: • Support in Data management related to Health, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH), Immunization, Nutrition, early childhood development (ECD) and Mental Health including quality control, data collection, cleaning, and analysis from MoPH PHC data and other sources on monthly basis. • Support in reporting and monitoring of relevant indicators at Activity Info on a timely manner as per the monitoring plan of the RWP. In addition, responsible for monitoring of partners Activity Info data reporting on monthly basis through Neuro DB. • Contribute to the internal Sitreps, Donors reports, development, and revision of RWP indicators, and other reporting as needed. Support in reporting of Health, Nutrition and ECD relevant indicators for country office annual RAM Reports • Support in following-up with PHCCs on specific tasks (such as Health, MHCH, Immunization, Nutrition and ECD trainings, health and nutrition supplies). • Support development of concept notes on Health, MNCH, Immunization, ECD and Nutrition projects to be used for call for proposals as requested. • Support in Health, ECD and Nutrition related PD development • Support in monitoring of implementing partners activities through programmatic visits and HACT monitoring visits. • Gather evidence including media reports, studies, news on Health, MNCH, Immunization, ECD and Nutrition • Support in planning for trainings and meetings as requested including preparation of presentations and other needed materials and steps. • Liaise with PRIME section on TPM (Third Party Monitor), maps development, and other related tasks. • Contribute and engage in regular internal and external meetings. • Any other related tasks as may be required or assigned by the supervisor.

Eligibility criteria


27 – 80


Candidate must be a national or legal resident of the country of assignment.

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Required experience

3 years of experience in health and nutrition programmes, primary health care, community engagement or other relevant programmes. • Experience with health oriented I/NGOs, UN agencies or international development agencies is an asset. • Knowledge on Infant and young child feeding, malnutrition and ECD programs, • Excellent data analysis skills, and expert is using excel, data systems, statistical softwares for data cleaning, analysis, reporting and presentation. • Excellent oral and written English and Arabic skills. • Excellent reporting skills. • Accuracy and professionalism in document production and editing. • Excellent interpersonal skills; culturally and socially sensitive; ability to work inclusively and collaboratively with a range of partners, including grassroots community members, religious and youth organizations, and authorities at different levels; familiarity with tools and approaches of communications for development. • Ability to work and adapt professionally and effectively in a challenging environment; ability to work effectively in a multicultural team of international and national personnel. • Self-motivated, ability to work with minimum supervision; ability to work with tight deadlines.

Area(s) of expertise

Community development, Health, Social work

Driving license


Arabic, Level: Fluent, Required English, Level: Fluent, Required French, Level: Working knowledge, Desirable

Required education level

Bachelor degree or equivalent in Public Health, Nutrition

Competencies and values

• Build and Maintain Partnership: Develop a network of formal and informal contacts through participation in professional networks or consultations with others. Adopt a consultative approach and solicit the support of key stakeholders at critical stages of one’s work. Act as a role model for UNICEF, strengthening the reputation of the organization. • Self-awareness: Display sensitivity and adjust language and tone, ensuring it is not demeaning or aggressive. Recognize own strengths and limitations, learning from mistakes made. Seek feedback from multiple sources on own behaviours, including unconscious biases and potential blind spots. Act on the feedback received. Be transparent in admitting mistakes and take corrective action. • Recognize personal stress and seek help to maintain personal well-being. • Ethical-awareness: Display appropriate ethical behaviours, refraining from discriminatory language and actions. Challenge unprofessional and unethical behaviours by standing up against actions that are not aligned with UNICEF’s values. Voice opinion in a truthful and respectful manner. Apply UNICEF’s core values in personal and professional life, demonstrating consistency between words and actions. • Drive to achieve results for impact: Plan and take ownership for delivering tasks with minimal supervision. Pay attention to detail, producing work of a high standard. Monitor activities on a regular basis, reviewing work plan to ensure progress and delivery. Ensure the completion of tasks, while addressing obstacles and bottlenecks. Take responsibility for consequences of decisions and failures without passing blame to others. Involve key stakeholders in activities that impact them, keeping them informed of potential delays and problems. • Innovates and embraces change: Review work practices, analysing evidence-based trends to apply new methods and techniques. Respond flexibly to changing circumstances, priorities and deadlines. Display creativity, experiment with new approaches and demonstrate openness to changing existing practices. • Manages ambiguity and complexity: Maintain focus on priorities and deliverables, in the face of pressure, or when things do not go according to plan. Demonstrate flexibility, developing alternate plans in rapidly changing situations, uncertainty and adversity. Analyse and exercise judgment in challenging situations in the absence of specific guidance. Manage personal frustrations to avoid potential conflict. Identify key issues and priorities, maintaining personal effectiveness in complex situations. • Thinks and acts strategically: Understand the organization’s objectives and align work plan activities. Analyse and evaluate data from a wide range of sources, assessing reliability and presenting conclusions to enable informed decision making. Adapt workplans in response to emerging situations and new requirements. Consider the long-term impact and risks of decisions and actions. • Works collaboratively with others: Challenge colleagues respectfully when views and opinions differ. Encourage others to contribute ideas and listen without interruption. Support colleagues in achieving their goals. Earn the trust and confidence of colleagues through respectful, honest behaviours, displaying openness and tolerance. Seek the input of internal stakeholders, gaining buy-in and commitment while sharing relevant information. Address issues, conflicts and misunderstandings between self and others.

Other information

Living conditions and remarks

As this is a national UN Volunteer assignment, the UN Volunteer will be responsible for arranging his/her own housing and other living essentials. This position is based in Tyre, South Lebanon. National UN Volunteers are part of the malicious insurance plan. National UN Volunteers are expected to be culturally sensitive and adjust to the prevailing culture and traditions.

Inclusivity statement

United Nations Volunteers is an equal opportunity programme that welcomes applications from qualified professionals. We are committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, care protected characteristics. As part of their adherence to the values of UNV, all UN Volunteers commit themselves to combat any form of discrimination, and to promoting respect for human rights and individual dignity, without distinction of a person’s race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status.

Reasonable accommodation

UNICEF offers reasonable accommodation for UN Volunteers with disabilities. This may include, for example, accessible software, travel assistance for missions or personal attendants. We encourage you to disclose your disability during your application in case you need reasonable accommodation during the recruitment process and afterwards in your assignment.

Note on Covid-19 vaccination requirements

In addition to duty station-specific vaccine requirements, appointments are subject to confirmation of fully-vaccinated status against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) with a World Health Organization (WHO)-endorsed vaccine, which must be met prior to taking up the appointment. It does not apply to UN Volunteers who will work remotely and are not expected to work on or visit UNICEF premises, programme delivery locations or directly interact with communities UNICEF works with, nor to travel to perform functions for UNICEF for the duration of their contracts.

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