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وظائف شاغرة لدى منظمة Embrace Ngo: مطلوب ممرضين نفسييين مسجليين لفريق الأزمات المتنقل

مطلوب ممرضين نفسييين مسجليين لفريق الأزمات المتنقل – (Psychiatric Registered Nurse for Mobile Crisis Team- Beirut)

معلومات الوظيفة:

نطاق الراتب: < 800 (USD)
آخر مهلة للتقديم: الجمعة, 17 مايو 2024
قطاع(ات) التدخل: الصحة النفسية
نوع العقد: دوام ‫جزئي‬
مدة الوظيفة: 12 months renewable based on performance and funding
درجة التعليم: ماجستير
تفاصيل درجة التعليم: Master’s degree in Nursing/Psychiatry Nursing (preferred)- License to practice as a registered nurse from the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health/Order of Nurses.
متطلبات الخبرة: بين 3 سنوات و5 سنوات
اللغة العربية: بطلاقة
اللغة الانكليزية: ممتاز
اللغة الفرنسية: جيد
البلد/المدينة: بيروت / لبنان
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟:  نعم

توجيهات التقديم: 

All applicants are requested to send their CVs and a cover letter in PDF Format to “” with subject “Psychiatric Nurse for Mobile Crisis Team- BEIRUT”

Receiving of CV's applicants is on rolling basis. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Email received with no suject will be rejected.

Embrace has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on sexual exploitation and abuse, and sexual harassment.

اضغط هنا وانضم الى قناتنا على الواتساب لنشر الأخبار والوظائف على مدار الساعة
اسم الشخص المسؤول: 
Mona Ghasham
HR/Business Support
البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 


The Psychiatric Registered Nurse will collaborate with a multi-disciplinary mobile team to intervene during emergency mental health crisis through a 24/7 mobile unit.


  • Respect: To consider all individuals worthy of high regards and respect.
  • Integrity: To adhere to the highest moral and ethical principles in fulfilling Embrace’s mission.
  • Compassion: To understand another person’s condition from their perspective and strive to respond to their needs.
  • Inclusiveness: To actively include stakeholders in decision making and the implementation of Embrace’s strategic goals.
  • Accountability: To acknowledge and assume responsibility for all actions and decisions undertaken within the organization.
  • Ownership: To assume one’s responsibility towards their role and the organization, to problem solve and actively seek feedback in a proactive manner.
  • Collaboration: To actively seek feedback from members of the team, and work collaboratively with team members inside the organization as well as engage external partners in fulfilling Embrace’s mission and vision.


  • Collaborate with a multi-disciplinary mobile team to provide holistic care during emergency mental health crisis through a 24/7 mobile unit
  • Assess, collaboratively with MCT GP/psychiatrist, for current stressors, current mental health status, mental health history, vital signs, and other aspects as necessary with the service user and/or family/ friends/ caregivers 
  • Provide appropriate care/support through verbal de-escalation and providing emotional support, psychoeducation, collaborative problem solving or setting of action plan, while avoiding unnecessary law enforcement involvement, ED use and hospitalization.
  • Administer medication(s) as prescribed by MCT physician and monitor for medication reactions
  • Crises planning and follow up
  • Managing the medication kit, and updating medication sheet after every dispatch
  • Collaborate with physician in documenting and reporting services provided as per protocol
  • Follow up on the clinical status of service users hospitalized through the Mobile Crisis Team and manage their stay given the budget and estimated duration of hospitalization needed
  • Communicate with service users/ family and hospitals when transfer of service users is indicated
  • Communicate follow up outcomes with the project coordinator


I- Critical Skills:

  • License to practice as a registered nurse from the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health/Order of Nurses.
  • 3-5 years of clinical experience in mental health post Bachelors
  • Master’s degree in Nursing/Psychiatry Nursing (preferred)
  • Fluency in English and Arabic, French is a plus.

II- Professionsl Skills:

  • Demonstrates ability to conduct thorough clinical assessments
  • Demonstrates ability to recognize mental health priority conditions as per the mhGAP.
  • Demonstrates ability to use standardized assessment tools.
  • Demonstrates ability to provide empathic, evidence-based, brief, psychological first aid to a culturally diverse population.
  • Demonstrates ability to intervene and de-escalate mental health emergencies and suicidal crises.

III-Skilled in or Willing to Build Their Capacity and Knowledge In:

  • Evidence based approach in psychiatric nursing.
  • Biopsychological model in mental health.
  • Community-based approach and human rights-based approach in mental health.
  • Mental Health in complexes emergencies (IASC guidelines, Psychological First Aid, mhGAP…)
  • Predictable stresses of humanitarian aid work and the policies and practices needed to mitigate them.

IV- Behavioral Skills:

  • Demonstrates ability to work in a multidisciplinary team.
  • Demonstrates excellent organization and time management skills.
  • Demonstrates excellent communication, problem solving, interpersonal and conflict resolution skills.
  • Demonstrates ability to adhere to ethical considerations and principles with regard to working with vulnerable populations.
  • Demonstrates a high level of professionalism while providing services to beneficiaries or working with internal support staff.
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