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فرص عمل: Solidarités International Ngo تعلن عن حاجتها لأشخاص للعمل في التعداد السكاني في الشمال

فرص عمل: Solidarités International Ngo تعلن عن حاجتها لأشخاص للعمل في التعداد السكاني – Enumerator في الشمال

الراتب: 50$/ day
آخر مهلة للتقديم: الأحد, 8 أكتوبر 2023
قطاع(ات) التدخل: اللاجئين
نوع العقد: ‫غیره‬
مدة الوظيفة: Daily work that will be performed based on needs.
نطاق الراتب: < 800 (USD)
درجة التعليم: ثانوية
متطلبات الخبرة: أقل من سنة واحدة
اللغة العربية: بطلاقة
اللغة الانكليزية: جيد
اللغة الفرنسية: غير مطلوب
البلد/المدينة: الشمال / لبنان
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم:

Does this description fit you?

Please send us your CV in English.

Applications should be sent by email to tripoli.job@solidarites-liban.org with the keyword “Enumerator North- your name” included in the subject.

NB:  The vacancy may close before the deadline. Thank you for your comprehension

For further information about Solidarités International, please consult our website:  http://www.solidarites.org/en/



Solidarités International is an International NGO working with vulnerable populations, mainly victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters. Specialized for nearly 40 years in the coverage of vital needs, S.I. takes charge of emergency and reconstruction programs.

With respect for cultures and close to the people, Solidarités International implements its programs by combining its skills with those of its employees and local managers.

Solidarités International's teams, made up of around 270 expatriates and nearly 2200 local employees, are today present in 18 countries in Asia, Middle East, Africa and Caribbean where they are particularly committed to fighting diseases related to unsafe water but also in the essential area of food security and livelihoods.


Responsibilities and main activities:

Attend SI HR induction oriented on HR process (SI Code of Ethics and Conduct, SI Conflict of Interest policy, SI Daily Worker Policy, SI presentation and mandate, Humanitarian values, etc).

Attend a training session on the Baseline Study conducted by SI (Main objectives, data collection tool, code of conduct on field).

Conduct Data collection using the Baseline study tool through KOBO on mobile phones or tablets.

Collect accurate data at community level and conduct different assessment and surveys based on the needs.

Conduct phone-call/field visits for assessments of cases and sites.

Data entry of collected data from field.

Keep his/her files archived in the Solidarités office, accessible to his/her line manager.

Report to his/her line manager regarding the development of activities and specific tasks that he/she has been assigned, any problems encountered and the quality of relations with the beneficiaries.

Give information to the beneficiaries about SI mandate, activities, and about external actors and represent Solidarités International when necessary.

Attend de-briefing sessions on daily basis.

Ensuring that challenges during data collection are communicated to SI focal point.

Participating in discussions regarding the data collection process.


Specific skills and experience:

At least high school degree and some understanding of English.

Experience with data collection in humanitarian settings.

Experience with using mobile data collection software such as KOBO and/or ODK

Experience in interacting with diverse vulnerable communities.

Soft skills:

Work accurately with close attention to details.

Maintain confidentiality of sensitive information.

Diplomacy, cultural sensitivity.

Motivation and commitment to humanitarian work and values.


Arabic (Fluent)

English (Basic)

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عن Mohamad Jamous

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