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مطلوب ممرضين/ت مسجلين – Registered Nurse

فرص عمل لدى منظمة Caritas Lebanon: مطلوب ممرضين/ت مسجلين – Registered Nurse – Adlieh (Night shift)

قطاع(ات) التدخل: اللاجئين
آخر مهلة للتقديم: الاثنين, 3 يونيو 2024
نوع العقد: دوام‬ ‫كامل‬
مدة الوظيفة: 1 Year Renewable Contract
نطاق الراتب: بين 800 و 1200(دولار أمريكي)
درجة التعليم: بكالوريوس
متطلبات الخبرة: بين سنتين و3 سنوات
اللغة العربية: بطلاقة
اللغة الانكليزية: ممتاز
اللغة الفرنسية: جيد جداً
البلد/المدينة: بيروت / لبنان
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا
توجيهات التقديم: 

In order to apply for this vacancy you need to complete the template on the following link:

للتقديم اضغط هنا – Apply Now

A member of our Human Resources team will contact you soon if your profile is considered for the job vacancy, and if more information is needed. If you are not being approached by our Human Resources team, please consider your application automatically registered in our database.

Caritas Lebanon is committed to all Safeguarding Principles and will not tolerate any act in any shape or form of misuse regarding Child Safeguarding Policies and Sexual Exploitation Abuse or Harassment (SEA). All staff must understand that Caritas Lebanon will apply a zero-tolerance policy to SEA and any harassment of any type. Caritas Lebanon is an Equal Opportunity Employer and all applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran, or disability status. Moreover, Caritas Lebanon will not share any personal data with anyone outside Caritas Lebanon whatsoever unless requested by Law. All applicants are strictly required to adhere to these standards. Therefore, the selected applicant shall be requested to provide additional information to conduct the needed background check.

In addition, Caritas Lebanon will reserve its rights not to hire any applicant who was previously reported for a SEA incident

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 


The Nurse will provide medical assistance and counseling in response to the needs of all detainees with major and minor health problems for night shift


Operational Activities

  • Monitor and track the patient’s vital signs and blood sugar according to the patient’s case and symptoms
  • perform procedures like IV placement, help them in different tests and also administer medications
  • Administer over-the-counter medication when needed according to protocols accepted by GS physicians
  • Keep track of a patient’s progress and enter the data in the patient’s report
  • Order medications, make sure that equipment and other supplies are in stock and perform monthly the medication stock inventory
  • Check over patient’s medication
  • Perform some guiding and counseling sessions about health issues and hygiene
  • Assess patients and refer them to be consulted by GS’s Doctors when needed
  • Assist Social Workers to differentiate between chronic and non-chronic medications
  • Conduct health educational sessions
  • Distribute the medication for the detainees upon the doctor prescriptions
  • Refer detainees to hospitals after taking the approval from the GS’s doctor
  • Perform medical intervention such as drawing blood out, etc.
  • Follow up on pregnant women at the end of each month and refer them to the gynecologist after the approval of the GS physician
  • Monitor chronic medications and setting tables to be submitted at the end of each month
  • Assess patients at the center if in need of wound care
  • Perform wound care and remove sutures when needed according to patient’s case
  • Perform hospital visits for certain patients if needed
  • Prepare the list of medicines that the patients should take at night, so the sight nurse can follow-up and handle this matter
  • Evaluate the mental health of detainees and refer them to psychologist, psychiatrist or psychiatric ward after the approval of the GS physician
  • Follow up on the detainees with mental health problems, administer proper medication as ordered by the physician and monitor if presence of any side effects
  • Perform CPR in case of cardio-respiratory arrest

Generic Duties

  • Follow Caritas Lebanon operational policy and procedures
  • Respect the internal policies and procedures for example: dress code, attendance, discipline, etc.
  • Complete schedules, activity planners, monitor staff availability and act against any shortfalls
  • Resolve any staff issues and escalate any unresolved issue to the related manager
  • Perform other related duties as assigned by the supervisor



  • Bachelor degree in Nursing

Other Qualifications:

  • Communication, writing, analytical and negotiation skills

​​​​​​​Related Work Experience:

  • 5 to 7 years of experience in related field

​​​​​​​Language skills:

  • English and Arabic

​​​​​​​Computer Literacy:

  • MS-Word / MS-Excel – Intermediate level

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عن Mohamad Jamous

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