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مطلوب موظف/ة للرصد والتقييم والمساءلة والتعلم

فرص عمل لدى منظمة Intersos Ngo: مطلوب موظف/ة للرصد والتقييم والمساءلة والتعلم (Monitoring, Evaluating, Accountability, & Learning (MEAL) Officer)

قطاع(ات) التدخل: حقوق الإنسان والحماية
آخر مهلة للتقديم: الاثنين, 17 يونيو 2024
نوع العقد: دوام‬ ‫كامل‬
مدة الوظيفة: 5.5 Months from 16/07/2024 till 31/12/2024 renewable based on performance and availability of funds
الراتب: 1729$
نطاق الراتب: بين 1500 و 2000 (دولار أمريكي)
درجة التعليم: بكالوريوس
تفاصيل درجة التعليم: Bachelor degree in social studies, humanitarian actions, statistics, information management or any related field
متطلبات الخبرة: بين سنتين و3 سنوات
اللغة العربية: بطلاقة
اللغة الانكليزية: بطلاقة
اللغة الفرنسية: غير مطلوب
البلد/المدينة: بيروت / لبنان
يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا

توجيهات التقديم:

Interested candidates please apply on the following link: 

للتقديم اضغط هنا – Apply Now

Attention: The above link is the only official link for the application. Any other link does not represent INTERSOS.

Applications submitted through email will not be considered. 

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Please note that INTERSOS does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process.

Thank you,

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول: 

INTERSOS is a non-profit humanitarian aid organization that works to bring assistance to people in danger, victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts. Established in 1992 with support from the Italian Federation of Trade Unions, its actions are based on the values of solidarity, justice, human dignity, equal rights and opportunities for all people and respect for diversity and coexistence, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable and the unprotected.

INTERSOS identifies with the core values of CONCORD, the European Confederation of NGOs; it adheres to international codes of conduct for humanitarian organizations and the values and principles expressed within those codes. INTERSOS is recognized by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the European Commission and the principal UN agencies; it is privileged to hold an advisory status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

INTERSOS is an independent association which, through its own humanitarian operators, intervenes to effectively answer the needs of people in serious crises situations, mainly in the world's poorest regions, who are suffering, deprived of rights, dignity and essentials goods. It maintains a flexible operating structure. The head office in Italy coordinates, supports and monitors the planned activities in the countries of intervention carried out by decentralized offices.

Job Title        : Monitoring, Evaluating, Accountability, & Learning (MEAL) Officer

Reports to       : Administratively to Head of Base. Functionally to Country MEAL Manager

Duty Station    : Beirut, Mount Lebanon base with frequent field sites visits

Position Type  : Full Time

Job Purpose:

The MEAL Officer is is the base focal point for collection and documentation of monitoring and evaluation information, of all projects in area of operations. He/she supports the program teams through monitoring, data collection, data processing, mapping and analysis of the information. The M&E Officer also leads the roll-out of the accountability framework for the all projects implemented in the base, coordinating with the Head of Base and relevant staff.

He/she provides technical support and training to the field staff and enumerators with regards to data management and monitoring & evaluation tools.

General duties:

  1. Develop the M&E tools required for the correct monitoring and evaluation of the ongoing projects.
  2. Conduct regular monitoring and technical support field visits to project sites in accordance with existing SOPs and in line with the needs.
  3. Systematically analyze and follow-up the complaint mechanism of the base by supporting and reinforcing the existing accountability mechanisms


Specific duties:


  1. Monitoring and evaluation
  1. Contribute to the development and update of the M&E plan for the projects and ensure their roll out at base level
  2. Contribute to the revision of monitoring and evaluation tools and train program team on design and proper use of it.
  3. Participate to the revision of monthly PAT with regards to the M&E component.
  4. Participate into data analysis and writing of monitoring and evaluation reports.
  5. Report back any problems and constraints encountered during the course of the activities based on field visits and tools outputs, and suggest operational solutions


  1. Accountability
  1. Contribute to the Complaint & Response Mechanism (CRM) standard operating procedures design/review
  2. Follow proper implementation of CRM standard operating procedures and refer all cases to the appropriate focal point.
  3. Ensure a database is maintained (with the required standards of confidentiality) for the proper recording and follow-up of the CRM
  4. Participate in training field teams on CRM information sharing and planning.


  1. Data management and mapping (projects)

– In relationship with teams in charge of database management on the bases, support the organization of program data.

– Support program team regarding the preparation of database frames based on questionnaires and other data collection tools.

– Contribute to the development of maps of INTERSOS activities as well as to the collection and archiving of maps from other stakeholders.

– Comply with donors’ monitoring requirement adopting ad hoc monitoring tools, systems and databases (ex. Activity Info, Internal Reporting System, Refugee Assistance Information System –RAIS)

– Produce qualitative and quantitative monthly and quarterly reports.

– Develop qualitative and quantitative monitoring tools in line with donors’ requests for internal and external use

– Contribute to the preparation and the revision of data and M&E reports related to field activities (monthly/quarterly donor reports and other ad hoc reports).

– Attend trainings provided internally or externally in accordance with donor and INTERSOS requirements

Competencies: (Knowledge, Skills & Abilities)

Professional Competencies:

– Minimum 3 years of relevant working experience in Humanitarian field.

– Information Management Systems expertise (e.g., Database management or data analysis software skills)

  • Proven experience in monitoring exercises, evaluations, baseline and end line surveys (minimum 2 years)

– Reporting skills.

– Proficient in MS office

– Valid Lebanese driving licence issued since more than 2 years.

Behavioural competencies:

  • Cultural awareness
  • Teamwork
  • Communication Skills
  • Planning and Organizing
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Initiative
  • Problem solving and decision making
  • Strategic vision
  • Driving and achieving results
  • Humanitarian motivation and commitment to INTERSOS values
  • Respect of Intersos policies and procedures
  • High integrity and honesty
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عن Mohamad Jamous

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